Surface Contact: First Course,
Amuse Bouche
Presented by Hinterland NY
Entry is FREE
Candy Calla Lily Incense for Surface Contact: First Course, Amuse Bouche.
The Members of Hinterland are exploring the theme of Surface Contact. We are interested in what is happening at the exact moment of touch. We are interested in micro textures; the weave of cotton twill, the crags of pores on skin, sound vibrating on water. We are thinking about light as expressed in degrees of opacity, translucency, refraction, reflection, penetration. We are playing with viscosity, stickiness, slickness, smoothness and abrasion. We are listening to slaps, scrapes, shuffles and taps.
This is a theme of intimacy, the point at which this and that and you and I lose separation of self.
Join us for a dinner party where Surface Contact is happening at the table as multiple mediums interact to create a tablescape with actual topography. It is happening within the space as paintings overlap, a glass chandelier holds water and the sounds of surfaces making contact is our accompanying music. It is on the menu as we are offering an amuse bouche where the viewer is asked to participate in a ceremonial cooking experience.