The Liminal Space, by Hinterland at Clovelea
Saturday, November 4th 2023
2pm - 5pm
Welcome to the Liminal Space, at Clovelea by Hinterland!
The liminal space refers to a place of metaphoric transition, a place in-between, a place of momentary pause at a threshold. It is quite literally a waiting room, the vessel of our journeys.
Hinterland was honored to be invited to add to the long, rich history of this iconic building in Saugerties, NY. Clovelea, a grand Queen Anne mansion, lived many lives and had a future that seemed bleak at best, as the building was left abandoned for years. Enchanted by the Clovelea's mystique and potential, friend-of-Hinterland and Saugerties native, Nina Schmidbaur was determined to not only save this building from the wrecking ball but transform it into a place of healing and community.
Once given the opportunity to takeover the waiting room at Clovelea, now a multi-practice holistic healing center at the edge of the Saugerties Village, we got to work conceptualizing a space meant to engage, enliven and comfort. Within the Liminal Space are various custom pieces from the Hinterland co-op that were all designed in tandem to honor the buildings architectural details while playing with the theme of clovers. Proportion and patterns were explored to create a space that makes the act waiting its own contemplative journey.
If you'd like to come experience the liminal space, tour the newly renovated Clovelea and meet both Nina and Hinterland founding member Jennifer Salvemini please join us for the official opening on Saturday, November 4th from 2pm - 5pm.
Saturday, November 4th 2023
2pm - 5pm
Please send us a message if you’d like to hire Hinterland to design your space!