Join us this month for our inaugural Creative Intention Setting Session of 2024! Guided by Hinterland member Maya Goer-Palenzuela, we will examine the concept of CHAOS and all that this means to us as creative people.
Here are a few materials to get the idea churning !
ARTFORUM had an interesting article on chaos theory in modern times:
Thought-provoking excerpt from the article above:
“One notes in this description not only a paradoxical use of the term “chaos” to nominate a “way of seeing pattern and order”, but also a poetic celebration of the breakdown of boundaries that “discipline” orders of scientific enterprise, of the transformation of the abstractly mathematical and complex into the concretely natural and simple, and of childlike wonder at the world.
Simply put, chaos is a field of study founded on the discovery that three or more simple linear equations, repeatedly fed into a computer, produce dynamic nonlinear behavior that becomes increasingly complex, erratic, and random”
“The only constant in life is change”-credited to Greek philosopher, Heraclitus
From Maya:
My copy of Cultivating Chaos by Jonas Reif, Christian Kress and Jürgen Becker, is not only garden porn for me but also an inspiration for a planting style that comes from the crush I have as a hopeless romantic on chaos. Read this paragraph from a chapter entitled ‘Letting Go’:
“Scientists Of behavioral biology call a system that can only be observed from outside a “black box”. A black box is a metaphor for those physical and cognitive processes that cannot (yet) be scientifically described. The magnitude and scope of a black box’s influence as well as it’s output can be measured, but the exact manner in which that black box functions remains unclear”
Flow of Session
We start promptly at 6:30 with a welcome, followed by a guided meditation, a discussion, time for intention setting (bring a journal!), and then close by sharing and discussing intentions. An interactive chaos challenge will follow after the discussion.